The ancient secret of Aloe Vera has been passed down since the beginning of recorded history. Now, Forever Living Products brings the power of the plant and its legendary properties to the modern, everyday diet. Their patented stabilisation process ensures that the gel in the bottle is as close to straight out of the plant as possible.
Pour some into a glass and you will see the rich cocktail of pulp and liquid that tells you this is an authentic, natural product. Stabilisation is necessary because an Aloe leaf cut open quickly turns brown.
Forever Living Products use a cold process with only natural preservatives that ensures none of the goodness of Aloe Vera is lost. Heat treatment (pasteurisation), carbon filtration and other methods used to produce a gel that is crystal clear destroy much of the goodness of Aloe Vera. FLP also discard the leaf rind and the Aloe Latex which contains Aloin a potent laxative, using only the inner leaf gel.
Drink in the goodness of Aloe Vera gel, possibly nature's perfect vegetable juice, and you benefit from 200 different nutrients, including 18 amino acids, 8 essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. These include Vitamin B12 which can be obtained from only two vegetable sources, of which Aloe Vera is one. Aloe Vera gel from FLP is suitable for both Vegetarians and Vegans.
The drink has a "unique" taste which can take a bit of getting used to but you do get used to it.
If flavour is a problem to you, have a look at the flavoured varieties (Aloe Berry Nectar, Bits n Peaches, and Forever Freedom). Naturally Anti-Inflammatory, Aloe Vera gel is favoured by people with digestive (IBS) and skin problems, and by those with arthritis.
Shake well. Take 60 - 120 mls each day. Will keep for 3 months once opened if refrigerated.
Please note that this product is a liquid - the term gel is derived from the plant.
contact us on:aloeverakenya{at}